Jun 25, 2019
Be careful about what you expect from meditation. It’s not a magic pill that will suddenly make you happy. We learn meditation to familiarize ourselves with our own minds. To clear out the trash. It takes exertion and diligence to learn proper stability meditation technique.
This is part of a series of talks given at...
Jun 25, 2019
Attending to the little things throughout the day, we can be aware of our subtle mental disturbances. That way we can deal with things as they come up. We identify what they are, and we talk ourselves through it. We get used to working with adversity. So when the big things come, we will suffer, but we won’t lose our...
Jun 18, 2019
The Buddha asks us to take responsibility for our own situation. That’s tough when it comes to suffering. It’s easy to slip into a victim mentality, blaming everyone but ourselves. Rather, muster the courage to make our own decisions based on a solid understanding of reality, so you can increase your...
Jun 11, 2019
We feel a sense of entitlement about “deserving” happiness. But it’s more practical to look at our own craving and learn from it. Self-pity can impair our ability to access that information and use it to grow the true causes of happiness.
This is part of a series of talks given at the Himalayan Buddhist...